Camping, dirt bikes, mates, and a bit of wild entertainment is a pretty good combination to have the time of your life, which is why camping will be available all weekend long at the Red Bull Day in the Dirt. Here’s a few things you should know…
1. Gather your crew…
First things first – get ya mates together and sort out who you want to spend the coolest weekend of moto with. There’s room for everyone – well, most of you anyway.
2. The cost…
The cost is simple – for those getting amongst the on-track action, it will be $50 for adults and $20 for youngsters. If you’re part of the ‘support crew’, then you’ll be up for $70 (and $30 for 5-17-year-olds), which includes a discounted entry ticket for the weekend.
3. Real estate…
To try and fit most of you folk in, we’ve come up three sizes of camping areas: 12m x 6m Large Site for minimum four competitors (large tent/caravan plus support crew tent plus 6m x 3m pit tent), 6m x 6m Standard Site for minimum of 2-3 competitors (large tent/caravan plus support crew tent plus 3m x 3m pit tent), and a 6m x 3m Small Site for one competitor (small tent/swag plus 3m x 3m pit tent).
4. Dunnys, showers and the other stuff…
Of course, showers and toilets will be on-hand. There’ll be a host of other facilities to keep ya sorted for the weekend too, like food vans and beverage outlets, but if you need to head out into town, then that’s cool too.
5. How it works…
When you pull up, you’ll be checked off the list and strapped with a camping wristband for the weekend. After that, it’s a case of being guided around by our crew to set-up in your designated area.
6. The good ol’ campfire…
Ah, yes – a damn good campfire is always a treat! It’s still an iffy one for Day in the Dirt, but it will come down to the advice of the good people from the RFS closer to the event.
7. Cooking up a storm…
If you think you’re a Masterchef, then good news – you can set up a small BBQ as long as the gas bottle has a current valid test date or stamp. Oh, and don’t forget a fire extinguisher in case you burn out those ribs…
8. Something to do…
As if you’d be bored, but anyway, we’ll have plenty going for the crew camping the weekend, including Friday Night Drags, Mini Speedway, and live music.
Camping at Day in the Dirt Down Under is a recipe for good times, so what do you reckon? Is it time to gather ya buddies and book your spot?